The 2019 edition will take place in Pisa, from February 12th to February 15th; it will gather Italian researchers and professionals working in the field of cybersecurity, from both private and public sectors and include academia, industries, research institutions, and government.
The Workshop & Tutorial Day will consist of:
The Conference will include parallel and concurrent tracks:
Registration is mandatory and the access to the conference place will be granted to registered people, only. Here in after registration can be done on site, only.
It includes:
It includes:
It includes:
It does not includes:
It includes:
It does not includes:
It includes:
It does not includes:
It includes:
It does not includes:
Marco Conti
Rocco De Nicola
Paolo Prinetto
Pierpaolo Degano (Program Chair)
Fabio Martinelli (Demo, Tutorial, Workshop Chair)
Mauro Barni
Gianluca Dini
Pericle Perazzo
Alessandro Piva
Tommaso Zoppi
Paolo Prinetto
Marco Conti
Fabio Benedetti
Angela Miola
Giuseppe Airò Farulla
Gabriella Caramagno
Arturo Di Corinto
Angela Miola
Gabriella Caramagno
Angela Miola
Gabriella Caramagno
Marco Baldi
Giulio Busulini
Gabriele Costa
Luigi Martino
Pierpaolo Degano (Univ. di Pisa)
Maurizio Aiello (IEIIT-CNR, Genova)
Alessandro Armando (Univ. di Genova)
Antonio Barili (Univ. di Pavia)
Massimo Bartoletti (Univ. di Cagliari)
Giampaolo Bella (Univ. Catania)
Francesco Bergadano (Univ. di Torino)
Stefano Bistarelli (Univ. di Perugia)
Nicola Blefari Melazzi (CNIT, Univ. di Roma Tor Vergata)
Andrea Bondavalli (Univ. di Firenze)
Francesco Buccafurri (Univ. di Reggio Calabria)
Paolo Ciancarini (Univ. di Bologna)
Marco Conti (IIT CNR, Pisa)
Mauro Conti (Univ. di Padova)
Domenico Cotroneo (Univ. di Napoli, Federico II)
Bruno Crispo (Univ. di Trento)
Franco Davoli (CNIT, Univ. di Genova)
Rocco De Nicola (IMT, Lucca)
Camil Demetrescu (Sapienza Univ. di Roma)
Alfredo De Santis (Univ. di Salerno)
Felicita Di Giandomenico (ISTI-CNR, Pisa)
Gianluca Dini (Univ. di Pisa)
Luca Durante (IEIIT, CNR Torino)
Elena Ferrari (Univ. dell'Insubria)
Riccardo Focardi (Univ. Ca'Foscari, Venezia)
Giorgio Giacinto (Univ. di Cagliari)
Franco Guida (Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Roma)
Antonio Lioy (Politecnico di Torino)
Giuseppe Lo Re (Univ. di Palermo)
Giuseppe Manco (ICAR-CNR, Cosenza)
Fabio Martinelli (IIT-CNR, Pisa)
Isabella Mastroeni (Univ. di Verona)
Marino Miculan (Univ. di Udine)
Francesco Palmieri (Univ. di Salerno)
Stefano Panzieri (Univ. di Roma Tre)
Francesco Parisi-Presicce (Sapienza Univ. di Roma)
Paolo Prinetto (Politecnico di Torino)
Silvio Ranise (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
Luigi Romano (Univ. di Napoli, Parthenope)
Fabio Rugge (ISPI, Milano)
Domenico Saccà (Univ. della Calabria)
Pierangela Samarati (Univ. di Milano)
Roberto Setola (Univ. Campus Bio-Medico, Roma)
Maurizio Tesconi (IIT-CNR, Pisa)
Corrado Aaron Visaggio (Univ. del Sannio)
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano)
Roberto Zunino (Univ. di Trento)
Paolo Prinetto (Politecnico di Torino)
Alessandro Armando (Univ. di Genova)
Nicola Blefari Melazzi (CNIT & Univ. di Roma Tor Vergata)
Carlo Blundo (Univ. di Salerno)
Andrea Bondavalli (Univ. di Firenze)
Marco Conti (CNR)
Bruno Crispo (Univ. di Trento)
Rocco De Nicola (IMT, Lucca)
Pierpaolo Degano (Univ. di Pisa)
Elena Ferrari (Univ. dell’Insubria)
Riccardo Focardi (Univ. Ca’ Foscari, Venezia)
Antonio Lioy (Politecnico di Torino)
Fabio Martinelli (CNR)
Silvio Migliori (ENEA)
Pierangela Samarati (Univ. di Milano)
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano)
Marco Balduzzi (Trend Micro)
Calisto Calisti (IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi)
Roberto Carbone (Security & Trust Unit, FBK)
Mirko Casadei (Accenture)
Fabio Cocurullo (Leonardo)
Giulia Di Bella (Thales Italia)
Francesco Di Cerbo (SAP)
Emanuele Frontoni (Univ. Politecnica delle Marche)
Luca Guidi (IAMBOO)
Anthony Jeffs (Cisco)
Fabio Lazzini (Sogei)
Giuseppe Lettieri (Univ. di Pisa)
Rocco Mammoliti (Poste Italiane)
Paolo Mori (CNR-IIT)
Gianluigi Pugni (ENEL)
Leonardo Querzoni (Sapienza Univ. di Roma)
Gianluca Varisco (Arduino)
Angela Miola (CINI, Chair)
Adriana Lazzaroni (CNR, Vice-Chair)
Patrizia Andronico (IIT-CNR)
Gabriella Caramagno (CINI)
Raffaella Casarosa (IIT-CNR)
Lina Esposito (CINI)
Eniko Puhl (CINI)
Giulia Severino (IIT-CNR)
The ITASEC19 conference solicits two kinds of submissions:
We particularly encourage submissions on new and emerging topics. Authors are requested to clearly indicate whether their paper should be included in the proceedings volume.
Selected papers may be considered for a special issue or a fast track of either:
Papers must be in English, formatted in pdf according to the EasyChair style
and no longer than 10 pages, excluding bibliography. Extra material exceeding the
page limit can be included in a clearly marked appendix of at most 5 pages.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the ITASEC19 conference. The purpose of workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive atmosphere.
Proposals should include:
The ITASEC19 organization provides:
The main responsibility of organizing a workshop goes to its chairperson(s); they must:
ITASEC19 seeks applications for full- or half-day tutorials of interest for the cybersecurity community at large. Shorter "embedded tutorials" to be included in the conference program will be considered as well.
Each tutorial proposal should concisely describe the content and objectives of the tutorial, and include:
ITASEC19 seeks applications for demonstrations of prototypes or operational systems in any of the areas identified in the scope of the Science &Technology main track. The proposers are expected to prepare a poster and to perform a live demonstration. Demonstrations will provide opportunities to exchange ideas gained from implementing cybersecurity systems and to obtain feedback from expert users.
Demonstration submissions must be in English, formatted in pdf according to the EasyChair style and no longer than 5 pages, excluding
bibliography. They should present the objectives and the findings addressed by the
demonstration; a walk-through of the actual demonstration should be provided in a
clearly marked appendix of at most 5 pages. Commercial demos will not be
ITASEC19 will also include special sessions on domestic cybersecurity startups. During these sessions, startups will present their ongoing activities in the field of cybersecurity. Activities include, but are not limited to, emerging technologies, open issues and challenges, innovative products and novel application fields.
Startups can submit their proposals as specified below. Submissions must be in English, formatted in pdf according to the EasyChair style and no longer than 3 pages, excluding bibliography. They must include the following information
The Stakeholder Space shall include selected distinguished:
The Scientific/Technical Space shall include several kinds of sessions:
Il ruolo del Cini -Laboratorio Nazionale Cyber security come possibile facilitatore della commercializzazione della ricerca e dello sviluppo tecnologico a beneficio della competitività delle aziende nazionali: Dialogo tra stakeholder nell’ ecosistema innovazione in ambito cyber security research.
Principali argomentiChairs:
Program (click here)
Per visualizzare il programma complessivo, sezionare
il giorno "14 febbraio" (nel menu in alto), quindi nel menu "Tracks" a destra selezionare
solo "Innovation - Start up day".
Registration (click here)
La normativa a protezione dei dati personali costituisce uno dei cardini della sicurezza informatica. La sicurezza e la "cura" del dato equivalgono oggi alla sicurezza ed alla cura delle persone nell'ambiente digitale ed i principi dettati dal GDPR tutelano molteplici diritti fondamentali della persona.
Nella prima parte della sessione esamineremo i principi cardine della normativa a tutela del dato personale, per comprendere non tanto il "come" quanto il "perché" è necessario adottare questo principio di "accountability" che è adesso alla base del "GDPR".
Nella seconda parte affronteremo il tema dei trattamenti nell'ambito delle Pubbliche Autorità. I principi di efficienza e imparzialità, unitamente al principio di trasparenza, impongono da un lato alle Pubbliche Amministrazioni di sfruttare appieno i vantaggi della digitalizzazione, ma nel contempo sono la linfa dell'azione della PA, ma i dati personali non rappresentano utenti, ma persone. La tutela del dato, il suo lecito e corretto trattamento sono la base per un ambiente digitale sicuro e sono il presupposto necessario e indispensabile nell'ambito dei trattamenti delle pubbliche amministrazioni per la corretta attuazione dei diritti fondamentali dei cittadini.
This workshop is a forum for researchers, developers, and users to discuss issues related to Distributed Ledger Technology and its adoption in research and business scenarios. The primary goal is to foster discussion and cross-fertilisation of ideas among experts in different fields related to DLTs, and thus advance the national and international state-of-the-art. Research, applications, case studies, and experiences concerning DLT are all encouraged.
Program (click here)
Registration (click here)
The first Italian workshop on CTF competitions (Capture.IT 2019) aims at gathering practitioners and experts that want to share their experience about the organization of and participation to Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and lesson learned about the CTF. In particular, Capture.IT aims at attracting the CTF community as well as students and young researchers that are active CTF players or organizers. Another goal is to favour the exchange of ideas and experiences in an interactive and informal atmosphere.
Program (click here)
Worldwide communications are growing exponentially. A huge and rapidly growing amount of
information travels every day through optical fibre networks, to which billions of people have
indirect access. From its use in everyday life, such as for making online purchases with credit
cards or for internet banking, to more critical scenarios, such as the transmission of sensitive
data between partner countries under emergency conditions, the need for absolutely secure
communications is unquestioned, all the more so in view of cyber-attacks that are rapidly
increasing in scope and complexity.
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) promises a leap forward.
It promises nothing less than the ability to achieve unconditional security in communications,
guaranteed by the laws of the universe as opposed to assumptions about available computational
power and the rules of computational complexity. Because of this, QKD is currently considered
the only technology able to guarantee an absolutely secure solution for the key exchange
problem. QKD achieves this by providing a means to distribute an unconditionally-secure key that
is used as a one-time pad. Secure keys distributed by QKD can subsequently be used for various
applications including secure communications and message authentication over any standard
communication channels.
Il seminario è specificamente rivolto ai giornalisti, ai blogger, agli studenti che hanno necessità di comprendere i concetti, le idee e la terminologia relativi alle tematiche della sicurezza informatica e della privacy delle comunicazioni. Obiettivo del seminario è favorire l'acquisizione del lessico specialistico e dei concetti relativi alla sfera della Cybersecurity attraverso l’esposizione di fatti di cronaca e delle nozioni informatiche collegate.
The workshop deals with the issue of “cyber-influence operations”, i.e. the illegitimate or
illegal use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and networked systems to affect
an audience’s choices, ideas, opinions, emotions or motivations, and interfere with decision
making processes. The workshop consists of two integrated discussion panels, each of which
focuses on specific features of “cyber-influence” operations.
The first panel discusses the
political and legal implications that these operations raise at the national and international
level. It will also feature the presentation of a case study on cyber and information warfare
during elections.
The second panel investigates approaches and measures that could be adopted
to counter cyber influence operations via social and other online media at the informational,
technical/technological, policy and other levels.
The workshop further aims at outlining the
actions that governments and other relevant stakeholders could take to prepare, prevent, respond
and recover from threats posed by illegitimate or illegal cyber influence operations or
Program (click here)
Registration (click here)
Vendor Sessions are aimed at providing Sponsors with the opportunity to present in a parallel track, product descriptions, case studies, best practices, and user testimonials. Attendance to the Vendor Sections is open to all symposium attendees.
12 February 2019 - Workshop & Tutorial Day Program (Click here)
13-15 February 2019 – Conference (Click here)
The conference will take place in the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche in via Giuseppe Moruzzi 1, Pisa.
The Social Dinner will take place in the Arsenali Repubblicani on Feb 14th.
The Welcome Reception will take place in the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche in Pisa on Feb 12th.
From Pisa central railway station:
From Pisa International Airport:
Parking spaces close to the area:
Following you can find a list of the hotels. In order to book the room with these special rates, please contact directly the hotel mentioning your participation in the event ITASEC19 organized at CNR PISA.
Hotel name | Single | Double | Double single use | Address |
Blue Shades Aparthotel **** | - | 89 € | 79 € | Via Pasquale Pardi 19, 56121 Pisa PI |
Hotel Bologna **** | 58 € | 78 € | - | Via Giuseppe Mazzini 57, 56125 Pisa PI |
Grand Hotel Duomo **** | - | 110 € | 99 € | Via Santa Maria 94, 56126 Pisa PI |
NH Hotel **** | 90 € | 90 € | 90 € | Piazza della Stazione 2, 56125 Pisa PI |
Repubblica Marinara **** | - | 94 € | 76 € | Via Carlo Matteucci, 81, 56124 Pisa PI |
Hotel San Ranieri **** | - | 110 € | 95 € | Via Filippo Mazzei, 2 - 56124 Pisa PI |
B&B hotel *** | - | 62 € | 52 € | Via Scornigiana, 1, 56121 Pisa PI |
Royal Victoria *** | - | - | 55 € | Lungarno Pacinotti, 12, 56126 Pisa PI |
Three levels of sponsorships are possible for ITASEC19, characterized by different exposures and recognition: Platinum, Gold, and Silver, respectively.
Please download our sponsorship package for details about the available sponsorship plans. Should you have any question, please contact us by email at: [email protected]